Sunday, November 24, 2013

What You Can Learn from Stanford's Offensive Line

I am a HUGE college football fan. I grew up in the south, so all I knew growing up was SEC power football. Being out here in the Bay Area for the past year, I have started to catch more Pac-12 games now. I have been a huge fan of Stanford's O-line all year. I finally got my chance this Saturday to go to my first Stanford football game out at "The Farm" in Palo Alto.

As a student of human movement and a football strength and conditioning coach, I love watching them line up. They have a very unique (to me) type of o-line this year. They line up shoulder to shoulder (sometimes with even 9 on the line!), and come at the D-line hard from a 4-point stance most of the time.
I am loving their approach of reverting back to a 4-point stance. I try to encourage my own players (although it is hard as a S&C coach, not a position coach) to do the same. I see how much more potential these guys can have when the can get down low in a 4-point stance, keep their feet straight, and ensure their knees do not cave in. When they get off the line, they can generate much more power and be in a optimal/stable position. I also notice that the players who tend to line up (on offense or defense) without letting their knees come into a valgus knee position tend to not wear knee braces…weird! Mobility is incredibly important for these big men.
 I think a big problem with O and D line players occur when they constantly line up with knees coming inside their feet throughout their career. They become comfortable in this vulnerable position, which makes it that much easier to injure their knees once they take a shot to them. I think if these player were to work more on creating a stable, externally rotated position, they would not be as susceptible to knee injuries. Sure…its football, and when a 300lb linemen falls on your knee, a 300lb linemen falls on your knee! Those injuries will happen and there is little to protect them from this type of injury. But, we can avoid some of the other (more common) injuries that occur by simply teaching our players what a more stable knee position looks/feels like and work on mobility, not just squat #'s.
For those non-football player out there, the same goes for you. Knees out is= OPTIMAL (or, per Takano and the recent debate online over the cue "knees out" maybe I should say- "not letting your knees collapse in once in any type of squat stance so that knees track inside the feet", or whatever cue you want to use...the bottom line is- that allowing knees to cave in is=NOT OPTIMAL). Getting up out of a chair, squatting, jumping, lifting a couch, riding a bike, or PLF'ing during a jump from a C-130 on a DZ…they all should be done with awareness of not letting your knees come crashing in. Can you make a block in the NFL with knees in? Can you clean 405lb with your knees in? Can you live your life with knees caving in all day? SURE!….but it is not optimal and isn't the BEST possible position for performance and injury prevention.
Practice makes permanent…and that goes for both good and bad practice. If you practice good positions, they become your default position; just as if you practice bad positions.

The player on the left has much more of a stable/strong base, and like
I mentioned above, this an help prevent certain injuries


What have you guys noticed this college football season or think about the 4-point stance?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Movember is Winding Down…But, Don't You Dare Shave!

Repost From
Pentagon Study Finds Beards Directly Related To Combat Effectiveness (via

TAMPA, FL — Forget new gear, weapons, or sophisticated targeting systems. The newest tool coming to combat troops is low-tech: beards. In a report released yesterday, research think-tank Xegis Solutions noted that beards have a direct correlation…

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Just Vomited in my Mouth...

Captured another gem today on BART…and after just talking about not sitting like a duck too! The way that this chicks femur is pointed one way, and her tibia is spinning off almost 45 degrees the opposite way makes me cringe. Wonder what she is thinking about….maybe, "hmmm…what doctor should I call to repair my ACL?"

Look Familiar??

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

You Duck Footed Bastard!

If you walk with your feet tuned out (like a duck)...STOP! There is no easier way to fix yourself in order to improve your performance, make your painful knee go away and to help prevent future knee injuries from happening...Plus, you look stupid if you walk like a duck!…Sorry, but you do.

I've heard people, (well, I read a post from a popular fitness blogger) who actually disagrees with this idea. He claims that his entire family is "duck footed" and walk with their feet out and that so therefore he is duck footed and does not agree with many of the ideas regarding creating torque. I disagree.
My wife and I used to both walk with our feet turned out somewhat our whole lives. We were both guilty of walking "duckish" as children. But guess what…upon the realization that it was horrible for us, we BOTH JUST STOPPED DOING IT! Was it hard? Yes, at first. Did it hurt? Yes, at first. But you know what else hurts? An ACL tear! 
Its not that you are prepositioned to turn your feet out (unless you have a medical condition you were born with), you just need to change this bad habit/pattern.
The same can be said with posture. I didn't have horrible posture from a "family condition". I had horrible posture because I developed bad habits, never thought about it implications to my health or worked to correct it. But once I did, I worked, and am still working to correct it. 
So how do you correct walking like a duck? Don't walk or sit like a duck!


Feet Straight, Not turned out with collapsed arches;

OK....this guy can walk like a duck:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kelly Starrett and Mobility WOD Ruined My Life

Not really…it is actually what got me to learn how to fix myself, transition from the military, go to school for physical therapy and start Operation Reload and Recover.
But something else all I can see is all the horrible positions people are in all day. After going to the mobility seminar, and studying I have started to develop a "Shitty Position Radar". All I can think about when I see someone typing on a computer hunched over is how they are wrecking their body or how that guy walking like a duck is going to have knees that always hurt when he is older and finally breaks down. 
On Kelly's show GPtv and in his seminars he uses pictures of people in horrible positions as references to his drive home his points. He also has explained how he and his friends would trade these images and vote on who had the best pic of the worst position. Viewers would send pics in as well….My wife even actually will now spot horrible positions and send me pics of what she saw.

So...I'm stealing that idea and am going to start to share some pics of the horrible positions I witness. I know it's kinda weird, but I think it will amaze you and help you think about what positions you adapt throughout the day.

Exhibit A:
This dudes neck is in a HORRIBLE position! Let look past the fact that he is completely disconnected from the world around him. As much time as people now spend on their cell phones, this guy has to be in this position for at least 4 hours a day. It hurts to just look at this picture. I wanted to not only go over and tell this guy his neck was going to probably snap completely off in 5 years, but just straight tackle him to teach him how to be legit and look up and use his cell phone. That would teach him…

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran Owned and Operated Companies

I wanted to share a few companies that we believe in. We aren't sponsored or get anything from these companies, we just wanna share what other vets are doing. These are all veteran owned and operated. Support veteran companies like these instead of some other crap made in China:

Arise 37:
This clothing company is more than just a clothing company. Owner Joe Reyna is a tattoo artist, designer, and just a great dude. They support other artists at their amazing studio and just hosted a charity event for the Wounded Warrior Project. Check them out, and check Joe Reyna's tattoo work, its amazing...

Anchors Hair Company:
This stuff is great. Now that you can have hair, you need to hook it up with some Anchors Hair Pomade. I love their "shape maker" pomade…

Guerilla Wodfare:
If you do crossfit, wanna get guerrilla strong, or just look like a badass, pick up one of their shirts. Their shirts are super comfortable and will automatically raise your 1RM by 50lbs….
Happy Veterans Day to all my brothers in arms out there. Thank you to those who came before, and those who will come after. Serving this great country was the best decision I ever made